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Ojasweb Offers Professional PPC Management, Web Development, and Facebook Advertising Solutions

If you’ve graduated from higher institution for the past ten years, and still hunting for jobs that are not available, even for the best qualified candidates, i might be forced to say that your certificate is the “chain” that is holding your destiny. In fact, it might be the major tool that the village people are using to control your life. If you’re a Nigerian living in Nigeria, you should know that several jobs are being lost on a daily basis, and the government is not doing enough to create new jobs for the over-populated graduates in the country. Companies are folding up under the watch of the most “HYPED” administration, and sadly, nothing is being done to control the mess. If you love your life, and wanting to get the best that life has to offer, you’d want to stop hunting for jobs and start using your brain.

You may stop reading this article if you’re looking for job opportunities in Chevron or NNPC. In fact, if you’re among the majority of Nigerians whose expectations are unrealistically high, stop reading now! “Just locate the close button at the top right of your browser and close this page”. Enough of giving fake and unrealistic hope. I’ve read countless of articles about online businesses in Nigeria, some of which are not even promising in the most developed nation. In this article, i’m inspired to highlight the top 3 online businesses in Nigeria. Amazingly, these businesses are what anyone can do, even with zero finance. I’ve decided to limit the number of businesses to the top 3 so as to avoid confusion. Let’s start…


If you care to know why i’ve decided to choose “freelancing” as the top among the online businesses in Nigeria, it is because i’m one of the guys who started with freelancing with zero capital. You might have read another post that listed blogging and few other businesses. The truth is that all of them are good ways to make money online. However, some are not as easy as we thought. Freelancing is one of the online businesses that can produce quick result without capital investment. One of the interesting things about freelancing is that you can join some of the top freelancing platforms and offer your service. Personally, i recommend FIVERR because it is easy and free to join. I have published several articles about fiverr and i encourage you to read them up before you start. You may also download my materials.

With freelancing, you can sell your skills and make money online. There are hundreds of digital services you can offer on freelancing platforms. If you can write good and quality articles, you can make money doing freelancing jobs. Other areas you can offer your freelancing skills are:

  • graphics design
  • video production
  • video editing
  • music editing
  • web design
  • search engine optimization
  • social media marketing
  • link building, etc.

Affiliate Marketing

The #2 on my list of top 3 online businesses in Nigeria is affiliate marketing. I could have make it the #1, however due to some technicalities involved in promoting affiliate products, it will remain in the #2 position. With affiliate marketing, you will make money by promoting another person’s business. It is really damn easy. But wait! you don’t just promote products that come your way. You need to signup with affiliate brokers and generate affiliate links for the products you’d like to promote. I know it is getting confusing because i’ve been mentioning some terms. That is one of the reasons why affiliate marketing cannot be the #1 on my list. For amateur marketers, freelancing is the easiest way to earn your first dollars online.

There are several ebooks that explain affiliate marketing and how to make money from it. The simplest explanation of how affiliate marketing works has been explained in our affiliate page. With Ojasweb affiliate, you can make money by recommending our services to people who need it. Learn more about Ojasweb affiliate program and start making money just by recommending our services. Lest i forget, some of the top affiliate brokers are clickbank, commission junction, and jvzoo. I strongly recommend for you to learn more about affiliate marketing before you join any of the platforms. In fact, the majority of the top affiliate brokers don’t favor Nigerians, so you need to learn how the successful affiliate marketers are doing it.

Information Marketing

If i was a good information marketer, i could package this article in form of PDF and sell it to the newbies who are looking for ways to make money online. Of course, the information is worth it if i package it and guide you further on how you can start immediately. Packaging this short article and selling it to you is known as information marketing. It is pretty simple, and anyone can do it. I started my online business journey as an information marketer. Back then, i sold some PDF which i prepared from free resources.

If you’re good at creating training materials or advice ebook, you may want to learn how to sell them. With information marketing, you won’t need to work all your life before you can make money online. Currently, millions of Nigerians are hungry for information. They want to know, and learn. They want to get tips, tricks, and tools. If you can do your research and prepare what they’re looking to get, you can start selling it to them and make money. Remember not to sell copyrighted materials to anyone. Take your time to do the research and develop something worth buying. You can sell your materials on Facebook or forum.

With these three lucrative online businesses in Nigeria, you can start making money without investing your hard earned money on expensive trainings. Interestingly, you can turn it to your full-time job and even make more money from the comfort of your bedroom.

If you’re reading this, you’re reading the honest piece from one of the living testimonials in Nigeria. The one who started with absolutely nothing but now with his own digital marketing agency, certified by Google.

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