Ojasweb Offers Professional PPC Management, Web Development, and Facebook Advertising Solutions
The most popular dropshipping niches are not always the best niches for beginners. If you’ve been watching training videos on YouTube or enrolled in various dropshipping training courses, you might think that selling the most popular products is the best way to make money in dropship business. However, this is not true because the most popular niches are probably congested and dominated by the top dropshippers. So, before you start, i encourage you to do your research and look for less popular niches and products with good prospect. Image below shows the most popular dropshipping niches.

Dropshipping Niches
After seeing the most popular niches, i believe it will be wise to look for niches that are less popular and promote the products. Obviously, the more the popularity, the higher the competition. So, if your goal is to get into the market and start getting conversions as soon as possible, it would be great for you to dive into the less popular niches and look for great products. I have also researched the popularity by countries, and you can get some targeting ideas from it.
I hope this short research data will help you do proper niche research.
Now that your about to start one of the most profitable businesses online, i assumed that you’ve already have plan for your advertising. If not, we’ll be glad to help you setup and run your Google shopping campaigns. With Google shopping, you can start driving high quality traffic to your store with the lowest budget. And lest i forget, i also give free Google AdWords coupon to new users. If you’ll like to consider Google shopping campaign, feel free to contact us. Read more about our AdWords services.