This service is currently not available, however if you need help on how you can add money to your Google adwords account here in Nigeria, kindly check out this practical and guaranteed guide

You can still add money to Google AdWords in Nigeria even if you’ve tried several times unsuccessful. Recently i published some methods i use to fund my clients’ Google ads account in Nigeria and a lot of people have find the post very helpful. If you recently tried to add money to your account without success, no need to worry or panic. Ojasweb is here to help you solve the issue.

Instead of opening a new bank account or requesting for another Master Card that probably won’t work, Ojasweb will help you to add funds to your Google ads account without issue. It is 100% safe and reliable.

Requirements to add funds to Google ads account

  • Your Google ads login details.
  • Your phone number (to request permission for login in case of Google’s security check)
  • The amount (starting from $100)

What is the exchange rate?

The exchange rate is usually between #340 to $360 depending on the amount you’ll like to add to your account.

Note, since this service is to help you fund your account so that you can advertise your business on Google’s ad platform, Ojasweb charges additional certain amount for service fee.

  • For $100 to $500 funds, Ojasweb service fee is #5,000
  • For $501 to $1000, Ojasweb service fee is #10,000
  • For $1000 and above, Ojasweb service fee is #20,000

Why service fee?

We provide safe funding and guarantee service, however we do not 100% provide the funding. We outsource to other partners and we take the risk. The service fee covers for the risk, Ojasweb website maintenance and our efforts.

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