
About the Adobe Photoshop Course

Graphics design is one of the hottest skills in the world, and it can be learnt from a reputable graphics design center. Unfortunately, most of the graphics design centers don’t provide adequate support for their students.

If your plan is to learn graphics design and become a professional designer using the most sophisticated tool – Adobe Photoshop, this video course is the right thing for you. There are more than 80 videos of over 10 hours in the course. Of course, this is different from other videos you might have come across. I have personally prepared all the videos that are needed for you to master graphics design using Adobe Photoshop CS6.

photoshop 3D graphics

In this course you’ll learn the basics of Photoshop, and work through other important topics that are not commonly thought in the training centers. Some of the key topics are:

  • Photoshop workspace and tools customization
  • Background removal
  • Photo retouching
  • Photo editing and cartooning
  • Banner and logo design
  • 3D design
  • Layers and masking
  • Brushes
  • Filters and advanced application
  • Action scripts, and many more…


The videos in this package are top quality, and would help you master the course very fast. One of the reasons why you need to BUY this course is because you are not going to spend money downloading a single file. I will personally ship the DVD to you.

You will also join our premium group where we share ideas and help solve problems.

With the premium videos in this package you’ll be able to do more than what the neighboring training centers thought. And more importantly, you’ll be able to design for people and earn money from the comfort of your home.


What Else Are You Waiting For?

Go to any DIAMOND BANK nearest to you and PAY the equivalent sum (#7,200) into the account below:

Account Name: Ojasweb Digital Solution

Account Number: 0086854561


The second option is for PayPal transfer. If this option is best for you, kindly contact me via email or 2348060380375 to request for the transfer details.

Once the transaction is completed successfully, forward your payment details to for verification and product delivery. Product will be shipped to you via post office of transport companies.

NOTE: the payment details will also be used as the means of access into our membership ONLY forum and groups.The group is where follow up help, bonus, and tricks would be discussed time to time.


About the Adobe Illustrator Course

Graphics design is one of the hottest skills in the world, and it can be learnt from a reputable graphics design center. Unfortunately, most of the graphics design centers don’t provide adequate support for their students.

If your plan is to learn graphics design and become a professional designer using on of the most sophisticated tool – Adobe Illustrator, this video course is the right thing for you. There are more than 80 videos of over 10 hours in the course. Of course, this is different from other videos you might have come across. I have personally arranged all the videos that are needed for you to master graphics design using Adobe Illustrator CS6.

adobe illustrator video tutorials

In this course you’ll learn the basics of Illustrator, and work through other important topics that are not commonly thought in the training centers. Some of the key topics are:

  • Adobe Illustrator workspace and tools customization
  • Document creation
  • Illustrator tools
  • Stroke and Fill style
  • Brushes
  • Graphs
  • Painting
  • 3D
  • Infographics
  • Effects
  • Banner and logo design and so on…

adobe illustrator cartoon

The videos in this package are top quality, and would help you master the course very fast. One of the reasons why you need to BUY this course is because you are not going to spend money downloading a single file. I will personally ship the DVD to you.

You will also join our premium group where we share ideas and help solve problems.

With the premium videos in this package you’ll be able to do more than what the neighboring training centers thought. And more importantly, you’ll be able to design for people and earn money from the comfort of your home.

adobe illustrator cartoon design

What Else Are You Waiting For?

Go to any DIAMOND BANK nearest to you and PAY the equivalent sum (#5,200) into the account below:

Account Name: Ojasweb Digital Solution

Account Number: 0086854561


The second option is for PayPal transfer. If this option is best for you, kindly contact me via email or 2348060380375 to request for the transfer details.

Once the transaction is completed successfully, forward your payment details to for verification and product delivery. Product would be shipped to you via post office or transport companies.

NOTE: the payment details will also be used as the means of access into our membership ONLY forum and groups.The group is where follow up help, bonus, and tricks would be discussed time to time.

Payment Inquiry

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